Helga Hufflepuff was born in Germany on an unknown date more than one thousand years ago.
Her family moved to England when Helga was around seven. The Hufflepuffs decided a normal
would be the best way to avoid the hassle of Muggle persecution. They temporarily retired
their prominent wizard style of life, and Helga hardly knew any magic until she was around
On one of Helga`s birthdays, an owl messenger brought a note from
Helga`s great uncle to the Hufflepuffs. He had found a wondrous little vacation spot on an
invisible island off the French coast and invited Helga and her family to come and visit.
They agreed to stay for a few weeks, and then return to Mr. Hufflepuff`s blacksmithing
Politus Hufflepuff lived richly and wasn`t half as cautious as Helga`s
family about Muggle affairs. He introduced Helga to all the wizard society he could, and
taught her about all sorts of things. Politus made a living building wizard communities on
islands invisible to Muggle eye. Helga was quite interested in this, but insisted that
there should be an isle for enchanted animals. Politus was charmed by this idea and
created a small zoo for Helga near his mansion.
Helga soon adored Politus and his Nocho Isle, and wanted to begin
learning spells there. Her parents thought it was perhaps time Helga learn about wizardry
and her heritage, and Helga stayed at Nocho for about thirteen years until her great uncle
died. By then, Helga was a talented young witch with a knack for solving problems. She
went on to solve many large problems for great wizards around the world and became famous
for her noble, just, well-thought out opinions.
Helga was about thirty-two when an owl from Salazar Slytherin arrived,
inviting her to create a wizards` school with he and Godric Gryffindor. Helga had thought
it was unfair that many wizard children were deprived the right of magic study, and
accepted the opportunity. At first, Helga made her house symbol a falcon, but after
learning that Rowena Ravenclaw`s house was an eagle, she made a student`s badger the