About Us |
the creators of Embark to Hogwarts Many of you have asked questions about the Headmaster of this Noble School, Benjamin Kunsberg. Benjamin Kunsberg appears to be an rather eccentric 13-year-old Muggle Boy who lives in Essex County, New Jersey of the United States of America. He is homeschooled by his Mother. He also takes courses at the County College of Morris, which has a tight exam schedule in the fall and spring. He has taken Chem I & Chem II, Calc I & Calc II and all the corresponding labs and homework (and gotten A's and B's). He especially likes integration by parts:
Ben rather dislikes Polar
Area and Graphs of all sorts. Given: Prof. Snape masquerades as Madeline, Benjamin's 15-year-old Muggle Sister. (Of course, this is all a ruse: we are hiding from You-Know-Who here.) She also appears quite talented and has written for Imagine, the SET magazine (Study for the Exceptionally Talented, Johns Hopkins University.) Recently, she won the 9th grade Young Naturalist Award from the American Museum of Natural History. Here is her photo: To read the actual paper, go HERE. Of course, really, she couldn't have won; Prof. Snape notified his secret keeper and did all the work. So, who are we really? Teenagers or Most Accomplished Wizards? Ha! Teenagers to Muggles only! -- Yours Truly, Ben & Prof. Snape |
![]() H.M. Kunsberg grew up in Switerzland and battled with many Dark Elves in the Alps. Elected Headmaster of ETH in 2001, he is an excellent teacher and Quidditch coach. Prof. Snape is a distinguished Potions Master. Although previously he specialized in Extremely Dangerous Potions, he gave up this practice when he began teaching at Hogwarts nine years ago. Note: None of this is said to brag. This page was built out of necessity: students telling us that they wanted to know who we "really" are. Both Ben & Madeline, H.M. Kunsberg & Prof. Snape know that accomplishments in the Muggle and Wizarding World mean nothing. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord God Almighty. Psalm 84 |